Nick Dimiduk blog et al.

BlockCache 101: Lightning Talk Edition

Every year at Hadoop Summit there’s a little un-conference, call the Birds of a Feather Sessions, or BoF for short. These are topical meetups that take place after the conference proceedings and are open to non-attendees. This year I helped organize the HBase BoF, along with Subash D’Souza.

The HBase BoFs are usually run as 90-minute meetups with short lightning talks from folks who’s topics were not selected by the program committee and for topics that are too short for a full 40 minute slot. Lightning talks are 15 minutes of slides with a few minutes for Q&A. We had a cancellation, so I filled in with a talk a little last minute. I took the opportunity to organize my thoughts around the BlockCache, a la Blockcache 101, into a presentation format. Here are the slides, let me know what you think.

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About the Author

Nick found Hadoop and HBase in 2008 when his nightly ETL jobs started taking 20+ hours to complete. Since then, he has applied these tools to projects over social media, social gaming, click-stream analysis, climatology, and geographic data. Nick also helped establish Seattleā€™s Scalability Meetup and tried his hand at entrepreneurship. He is an HBase committer and coauthored HBase in Action, the unofficial user's guide for HBase. His passion is scalable, online access to scientific data.
